Angelic Shamanic Practitioner, Equine Therapy Facilitator, Teacher and Founder of
Spirit Awakenings.
Support and Caretaker of all members of the team and ranch.
Retired Roping Horse, but don't let that fool you. Loves attention, connecting, cows, trail rides and to run.
Reined Cowhorse and the BFF of Will. He enjoys cows, trail rides and eating.
In Memory of Leo Coconut
Always with us in Spirit
1/2 Bulldog, 1/2 Jack Russell and...... Deaf.
The Ranch Boss.
Sweet and Lovable, Wile E. Loves the barn, playing fetch and being next to you. Athlete of the family.
Caretaker of the horses. Loves to herd just about everything. Enjoys riding time and trail rides.
Protector of of the Realm/Ranch and barn cat. Thelma is Charlie's best friend and loves to be at the arena when we ride. Snuggles every morning.