We love our pets and they can suffer from soul loss and other energetic imbalances as well.
It is important to address an animal with great respect and honor. As we offer our assistance, we allow them to choose if they want our assistance, or not. Not only is this respectful but it also assists in putting in alignment to receive the healing. They also have free well and we must keep this in mind when assisting them.
There are many occurrences that happen in our pets’ lives which can cause symptoms that seem to be physical and sometimes mental which are at the soul level, the core & root. For instance, an animal can be moved from home to home, may be mistreatment, abuse, lack of nurturing and left alone. They may have lost soul pieces along their path or some other energetic imbalance and so they show this in many ways & symptoms that seem to be less than beneficial. Symptoms may be shown as disassociation, fear, lameness, chronic illness and unwillingness, disease and even depression.
Imbalances are important to address and Shamanic healing techniques offer profound healing to our horses and pets.
If our human loved one was suffering, we would do all we could to assist them. Our animals deserve the same.
I have worked severe cases of disassociation, abuse, and injury. Our pet’s willingness and acceptance of healing often allows immediate response. They appreciate the respect and will honor you with the same. Some cases are layered and will need to be nurtured and unraveled, while others, just like human beings, need continued care until all layers are addressed.
Many Dogs have been taken from their Mothers too early or have been used in extremely harsh conditions. Sometimes they are left outside by themselves for years.
These are pack animals and it is not their nature to be alone. Horse are herd animals and it is not natural for them to be without their herd. This can create imbalance and symptoms.
Aggression is often based out of fear but some feel that there is no help for the animal.
This is not true nor has the soul been tended to in most cases.
We can help our horse, pets, and the wildlife all around us. It is our support and assist them, just as it is to help our fellow humans. After all, they rarely are asked if they would like to be a part of our family or what they need.
We can learn so much from the animals and nature.
We must learn to respect all Spirits. We are all one!
I am available for Ranch calls if you desire an in-person visit, depending on distance. Additional travel fees apply.